Friday, October 26, 2012

Cooper's Birth Story...part 2

Wow, time really does fly by when you have a newborn!  I really don't have time to do much of anything besides feed the baby and keep my milk supply up as much as possible, so I'm just getting around to finishing Cooper's birth story!

I left off where Justin finally arrived at the hospital after being unexpectedly admitted early that afternoon.  The plan was for me to start with cervidil around 9pm that evening which would ripen my cervix and get my body more ready to be induced the next morning.  The doctor told me that it was possible for my body to go into labor on its own after having cervidil, but in my case highly unlikely.  She also told me to expect a very long day tomorrow.  I'm so thankful I serve a God who beats all odds, as my body did in fact go into labor on it's own that evening!

After the nurse put the cervidil in, it seemed like no time before I started to feel some contractions.  They were very minor and I was excited to start to finally feel something!  After a few hours, I knew there was no way I would be able to sleep that night.  I was way too excited/nervous added on to the uncomfortableness of the contractions, the nurse offered to give me something to help me sleep.  I was hesitant at first as I didn't want to be drowsy the next morning, but I also knew that I really needed to get some sleep.  Let me tell you, whatever she gave me (which Justin says was pretty strong), knocked me out!!  I usually have a hard time falling asleep to begin with, and I don't even remember anything else from that evening.  It was great as I didn't feel any of the contractions the entire night.  I did wake up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom and my sweet hubby helped escort me as I had to carry my IV pole with me and detach the heart monitor.  I now have an even higher respect for my mom who has to deal with carrying her IV pole with her when she spends 4 full days in the hospital every month.  I just had to do it one night and it was frustrating!

It was finally 6:00am and the nurse woke me up and took the cervidil out.  She checked me and I was at 2 cm!  I was so excited that I was at 2 cm overnight.  I then got up to take a shower and that was when I really started to feel the contractions.  I had to stop and breathe through each one and it was starting to get more painful. After showering, I got back into the bed and that was when things started to go downhill.

First of all, I was extremely nauseous and threw up about 5 or 6 different times.  The nurse assured me that it was just a normal part of labor.   Justin was so sweet and would take my pan and clean it out when the nurse wasn't there since I was constantly nauseous.  I also had the chills which is also a part of labor. Then for whatever reason, Cooper's heart rate started to go up extremely high.  They were planning to start my pitocin at 7am, but since his heart rate was so high, they had to hold off.  It was definitely a low point, as I was having very painful contractions, was throwing up between them, and was worried about Cooper all at the same time.  At one point I remember 3 nurses in there and they were just staring at the heart monitor and not saying a word to each other.  His heart rate actually went up to the 200's!

My contractions were so strong at this point and so close together, I didn't have much time or effort to ask about Cooper's heart rate.  All I knew is that they couldn't start the pitocin, which was discouraging to me as I knew things were going to be delayed.  I don't think I realized the seriousness of his heart rate getting up that high.  They put me on oxygen, and tried different things to get his heart rate to go back down.  This took about 2 hours total, all with me having such painful contractions!

We brought and iPod player, so Justin played worship music in the background, which is the only thing that got me through those 2 hours not knowing what is going on.  I could overhear them talking to each other and discussing about what to do, all while I'm just trying to make it through each contraction with hardly a break.  Then finally Cooper's heart rate started to go down and everyone seemed to be going back to normal.  It was a huge relief.  After his heart rate when down, I finally asked for the epidural. I wanted to wait as long as possible so it wouldn't slow down my labor, but my nurse told me, "you are in active labor right now, you should get it."  So I did!

 Last time I was checked I was at 2cm and I had no idea what I was at during this point but I knew it was time for the epidural as I was in so much pain with no break.  I couldn't even talk to my husband and didn't even want him touching me during my contractions.  What in the world are all those massage techniques for anyway?  I guess some women like to be touched, but I wanted to be left alone!  All that to say, I wanted to enjoy the rest of the day with my husband and this special time we shared together.  My nurse, Megan (who I LOVED!!) said she would get me the epidural and then the Doctor will check me to see where I'm at and then start the pitocin.

I get the epidural and all is wonderful in the world!  I am not ashamed at all that I got an epidural and would do it again in a heartbeat!  Then the doctor came in to check me right after the epidural and I was almost to 7cm!!!!  What?? We were both in shock.  She said I didn't even need the pitocin after all.   Justin likes to tease me at my reaction when I found out I was at 7cm...I was clapping and was so giddy!  My nurse said, "wow, you were in active labor, no wonder you were in so much pain!"  Um, yes, that does explain it.  We really couldn't believe I got to 7cm so quickly without any pitocin at all.  My doctor then says, "you could be having this baby by lunchtime".  Say what??  I don't think I have ever felt such relief and excitement all at the same time.  I called my parents and told them it could be lunchtime as before I thought it would be evening since everything was delayed.  So now we just have to wait a little bit longer....

Stay tuned for the final chapter!!


  1. Great story!!! (so far!) How great that your body responded so well to The Cervidil! :) Can't wait to read the rest.

  2. Wow, what an eventful labor story! I just love how each story is so unique and God brings each baby into the world in His own special way. Can't wait to read the rest!
