Friday, July 12, 2013

Cooper is 9 Months old!

I say it every month, but I just can't believe my baby is 9 months old!

Justin says all the time that he is really going to miss this baby stage..and it's so true.  I feel like soon my baby will no longer be a baby.  Soon he will be running around everywhere growing into a little boy!  I definitely look forward to him growing, but will miss this sweet stage...even if it is just me chasing him around the house as he belly crawls everywhere.  He's so fun!

Yesterday I took him to the Doctor for his 9 month check up.  He now weighs 20 pounds (42nd%ile); height is 27.25" (18th%ile) and his head is 47 cm (91st%ile).  I'm surprised that he's only in the 18th%ile as he seems long to me.  But the doctor said he growing well and doing great!

Sleeping: Cooper is still sleeping great and sleeping through the night like a champ.  We did have a rough week this week where his schedule was completely off and he wasn't sleeping great, and I felt so exhausted!  It turns out he caught a cold so that must be why, but he's getting back to his regular self now, thank goodness.  He goes down to bed around 8pm and wakes up usually around 7:30, with the exception of this week waking up at 6am.  Mommy is not a morning person so that was rough.  Today he woke up at 8am so I was very thankful for that!  He naps 2 to 3 times a day, depending on the day and usually sleeps about 1 hour to an hour and a half.  It's been awhile since he has taken a full 2 hour nap.  When the nurse was asking about his sleep patterns with how much he's sleeping she made a comment on how well he sleeps and how lucky I am.  I am thankful for him being a good sleeper (thanks Babywise!).

Eating: Not much has changed in his eating...he has 6-8 oz of formula 4 times a day.  He is also eating all fruits and vegetables.  I started some finger foods and avocados this week and he is not used to the texture at all.  His facial expressions are so funny and he doesn't know what to do.  Like everything else with him, it takes him time to get used to something new and then it's no problem.

Milestones: Cooper now has 8 teeth!  That's a lot of teeth for a 9 month old.  It seems like once one pops through, another one is coming.  He is still army crawling everywhere and he can be very fast.  It's so cute to watch him go.  He hasn't had much interest in pulling up yet, which doesn't surprise me since he has always loved being on his belly.  He rolled over and started crawling very early, but now it just very chilled and not in a rush...mommy isn't in a rush for him to start pulling up either!

Working on:  Right now I'm working on some signs with him...mainly please, more, all done, and bye bye.  I'm also working on him crawling on his hands.  He will stand up when I stand him up himself to hold onto furniture, but then he will sit back down and go back to crawling.

He is also starting to turn into a mama's boy :)  He still has never cried when I have had to drop him off at the church or gym nursery, but if I'm in the room and he's around a group of people, he has to be near me.  He will crawl over to me and start to pull up on my legs when he wants me to pick him up.  It's sweet.  But hey, he's only 9 months old so I'm not too worried about him being a Mama's boy.  Now, if he's 30 and still a Mama's boy, I may start to worry...but I sure don't mind for now :)

1 comment:

  1. Sweet boy, fun update! That is a lot of teeth- we have late teeth bloomers, and I think my earliest kiddos to have teeth only got their first one @ 9 months. :) So glad y'all are having fun and enjoying your little man. He's precious.
