Friday, May 17, 2013

7 Month Update

Last week Cooper turned 7 months old!  

and the hair is still sticking straight up, we get lots of comments about that :)

I'm a week behind on posting but better late than never, right?  His 7 month pictures are horrible, but I'll post them anyway.  The older he gets, the harder it is to take pictures as he won't sit still.  It's definitely a 2 person job now, and waving a toy in front of him just doesn't work anymore. Instead of smiling at the toy, he gets fussy because he doesn't understand why I'm waving it in front of him but won't give it to him.  That and he blinks every time the flash goes off, makes for some comical pictures.  Anyway, here is what is going on with Mr. Cooper at 7 Months:

Sleeping:  This has by far been the best month of sleep...Cooper is sleeping like a champ.  He goes to bed between 8-8:30pm and sleeps till about  8:30am.  The past week he was sleeping until 9am.  Um, yes..thank you son for extra time in the mornings.  Then this morning he woke up at 7:30 so sometimes it's hard to predict.  He hasn't woken up at night at all this month which is another added blessing.  He takes 2-3 naps a day depending on the day.  Usually 10am, 2pm and short nap at 5:30 or 6pm.

Eating:  I feed him a bottle 4 times a day...usually 8am, 12pm, 4pm, and 8pm.  Our little schedule is working out well for us.  He also eats some solids at lunch and dinner. I will probably add breakfast soon.  His favorites are carrots and pretty much any fruit he loves.  He's not crazy about green beans but will still eat them.

Temperament: Cooper is a super easy baby right now and so much fun!  He wakes up in the mornings and his naps SO happy (when he sleeps well).  My favorite thing is coming in his room after he wakes up.  He smiles so big, laughs and kicks his legs because he is so happy to see me.  Justin and I even fight about who will go in his room to get him in the mornings....that's how much fun it is!  He is so happy and smiles non stop at home, but in public...well, that's a different story.  He seems to be a little shy around other people.  Most people will tell me how studious he is.  He will just stare at you and try to figure you out or what is going on in this new environment.  He is definitely a people watcher :)  He doesn't necessarily have separation anxiety as he never cries when I take him to the church or gym nursery, but he is just cautious around new people.  I really don't think people believe me when I say that he is so happy and smiles a lot at home because he usually looks SO serious around other people, it's so funny.

Milestones/Working On:  Cooper LOVES being on his stomach...that is where he is the happiest.  He  is army crawling everywhere right now and can go pretty fast when he has his mind on something.  He loves to play on his stomach so much that he really doesn't want to sit up.  He can sit up, but never longer than a minute or so because he just wants to get on his stomach to crawl.  He will sit up more on a chair on in my lap where he really can't get on his stomach.  I'm really working on sitting up with him though.  He does get on his hands and knees and rocks back an forth and I keep thinking he is about to go on his hands, but then he gets back on his elbows to crawl.  I'm pretty sure he will be crawling on his hands and knees soon.  It is also getting next to impossible to change his diaper and clothes.  He hates being on his back and he squirms the entire time to be on his stomach.  When Justin is home, it really does take 2 people.  One to distract him and hold him still and the other to change him.  He also got another bottom tooth this month and the other bottom tooth is about to break through.  Coop is a camp with teething.  I haven't even noticed a difference in his temperament when he is teething and all of a sudden I see a tooth. He mainly just wants to chew on everything in site when he's teething.

the flash got him again...

He is oh so cute and I say that about 100 times a day.  I just can't get enough of his smile and cuteness!


  1. When my Mom used to babysite, me and my brothers would fight over who got to get the baby up so I know the feeling!

  2. Hi Tracy - I love reading your blog and Cooper is so cute :) Regarding photos, a company makes this cool toy you can put around camera lenses to *hopefully* make baby look at the toy (and your camera). I'm not sure what type of camera you use, but maybe look into it? They're called Camera Creatures:!__shop I saw the lady who created them on Ellen one day - she's super cute. Hope this helps! Lauren
