Friday, May 20, 2011

My final year in my 20's

Yes it's true, I just entered my final year in my 20's.  I'm not ashamed to admit that I turned 29 a couple weeks, when did this happen?  I have one more year in my 20's and I'm truly excited about it!  I still have a year left to live fully in them. So that's what I'm choosing.

As I reflect back on this extremely difficult, but also wonderful decade, it's pretty amazing how much can happen in 10 years.  College, moving to China, new job, marriage....and those are just the big ones!  It has been filled with pain and excitement, disappointments and accomplishments, heartaches and blessings.  It's almost surreal that this is my last year of my 20's, but I am excited about what the last year may bring and what the Lord has in store for me.

I am thankful for a wonderful 29th birthday, which started the night before when my sweet husband surprised me with flowers.  He knows I love flowers and was very considerate to think ahead since he wouldn't have time to get them on the actual day of my birthday since we went out to dinner straight from work.  Then on my real birthday, we went to dinner with my 2 best friends, Karrie and Staci and their husband/boyfriend.  Karrie and I have the same birthday so we have celebrated our birthdays together since we were 16 years old!  We had a great time together!

Then my parents took us out to eat at Taste of Texas, which is one of my favorite restaurants! 

My husband also bought me tickets to go see the musical Mamma Mia!  I love musicals so I was very excited about going!   He was sweet to go see a girly musical with me, and we had a blast together!  After the musical, we went to House of Pies for some dessert.  We went to House of Pies a lot when we were dating because it was the only restaurant open late at night.  It brought back some fun memories!! 

So here's to a great last year in my 20's as I gladly welcome my 30's.  I have no idea what this year will bring, but He knows.   I do know it is only for His glory and my good so I rejoice! 

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