Monday, November 11, 2013

The Cummings Catch Up

Here are some random things that have been going on in the Cummings household over the past few weeks:

  • We got a zoo membership!  It's actually a great deal if you plan to go more than 2-3 times in a year and it includes zoo light tickets.  I went with my family last weekend while Justin was working.  Cooper was perfect the whole time and we had a lot of fun! We look forward to many more family outings and mommy play dates in the future!
Cousin fun at the zoo!

  • Speaking of animals....Cooper was a Tiger for Halloween!  He was SO cute, I could hardly stand it!  Since Cooper is still too young to do any Halloween festivities we just stayed home and handed out candy to the trick or treaters.  Our neighbors got really into it and put out a huge speaker playing Halloween music and were dressed up, which caused us to have a ton of trick or treaters.  It is so cute to see all the little kids dressed up.  Here are a few pictures of Cooper as a was so hard to catch him smiling on camera but he really was happier than what he looks in his costume (and he actually wore it the whole night) 

  • Justin and I are really enjoying our new Church home at Genesis Church.  It's an Acts 29 church and it's super close to our house with most people living close, which was important for us coming from churches where so many people commuted.  I just got back from a Women's Retreat over the weekend and had a great time!
  • Speaking of Church, it's been a year since I stepped down as Children's Director to be a stay at home mom.  I had been praying for a while now about what ministry the Lord was calling me to serve in without neglecting my main ministry to my family.  All that to say...I am now serving as the children's director at our new church.  It's more of an administration role, which I enjoy and I'm excited to be getting into ministry again.  
  • My little muchkin is 13 months old now!  He is still not walking yet but he is!  I think I will do a 13 month update since it helps me remember what he was like each month.  
  • Cooper is going through this crazy stage where he is obsessed with Justin.  If we are both home, he wants to be held by Justin, he wants Justin to feed him, and he cries when he leaves the room.   When Justin isn't home, he is perfectly content and happy with Mommy, but once Justin is around, I'm not existent !  I know I used to tell Justin that I didn't want to raise a Mama's boy, but this might be going a little to far!  :)
  • Cooper also go his first "real" sickness over the weekend. He had a cough/cold on Saturday and then Sunday morning when I picked him up he was burning hot and had 102 temp.  I still can't believe he went through his whole first year without having a fever or getting sick.   It's always hard on Mommy when they get their first sickness.  Ends up he has an ear infection so he is on antibiotics now and I sure hope he gets over this soon!
  • Only 6 weeks until Christmas and I am itching to get our Christmas Tree up...except that I'm pretty sure Cooper won't be able to keep his hands off of it :)
That's about it over here!  I sure am thankful for all that the Lord is doing.

1 comment:

  1. Many blessings all the way around and with Cooper and your ankle on the mend, I am grateful to our Lord for all!. It's exciting news too that you found a way to serve at your church. Loved the photos of Cooper as a tiger and the family. Mary
