Thursday, May 24, 2012

20 Weeks...halfway there!

This week I have hit a pretty big milestone....I'm 20 weeks pregnant!  I thought I would never hit 20 weeks and now that it's here, I really can't believe I'm halfway through the pregnancy.  People ask me all the time how I'm feeling and I never really know what to say.  I'm actually feeling great!  This has been an extremely easy pregnancy so far and have hardly felt much different besides the early exhaustion and nausea that wasn't even too severe.  I know, I know...all you moms out there are thinking to yourself "oh just wait"  but who knows?  We'll see what the 3rd trimester is like but I honestly can't wait!  I hear most people enjoy their 2nd trimester the best but I love looking and feeling pregnancy and I'm still not quite there yet.  I know it's coming and I'm really looking forward to the 2nd half!

Justin and I went to our 20 week big ultrasound on Tuesday where they examine the anatomy of the baby.  I was a little nervous about this appointment since I have heard many sad stories of what parents find out during this ultrasound.  I'm so thankful Justin took the day off work to go with me.  Thankfully baby Cooper's heartbeat was strong and was measuring great along with his heart, brain, and everything else they were able to see.  The only problem is sweet Cooper was just so content and happy in his mommy's womb that he wasn't moving and was not in a good position.  Actually she kept saying he was "lazy" but as his mom, I would rather say he is just content and chilled :) She couldn't get a look at his face at all and also 2 other areas she couldn't see so I will have to go back another day to complete that ultrasound.  A part of me is glad I get to have another ultrasound to see my baby again but I was also ready for this particular ultrasound to be over with.  It's still a continued daily battle to trust the Lord and I'm pretty sure it will be like that for the rest of my life as a mom.  I also found out that the placenta is at the top, which is acting as a pillow and cushioning his kick and is why I haven't felt Cooper move yet.  I was getting a little anxious to feel him move since most people have told me they felt their 1st baby move at 18-20 weeks.  She told me that since the placenta on top,  and the fact that he just doesn't move a lot, it could be awhile until I feel him.....bummer!  I was relieved in a way that that was why I haven't felt him move, but also sad that it could be awhile before I feel him.  Everyone asks me if I have felt him kick yet and I was getting discouraged when I just kept saying no.  I am more than ready to feel him move but also just thankful that he is doing so well right now.

Here are a couple of pics of our sweet boy.  She couldn't get any good profile shots since he wasn't cooperating so this was the best she could do.  You can see his hands sticking up

Here is a cute one as he was holding his hands together.  I told Justin he was already praying...that's my boy!


  1. The bottom one looks like he is holding a baseball bat and swinging at a baseball!! Do you see that or am I crazy? :) So happy for ya'll. Love the posts. Need belly pics! :)

    1. Jennifer- so funny you said that as my mom said the exact same thing! I see it now that y'all pointed it out to me!
