Thursday, December 13, 2012

Cooper's acting debut

This past weekend, Cooper played Baby Jesus in the Houston's First Baptist Christmas Celebration performance.  There are 6 shows total, and Cooper played in 2 shows on Saturday and Sunday.  It was such a fun experience!  When they called me about a month ago and asked if Cooper could play baby Jesus, we were hesitant at first.  That was when he was getting on acid relax medicine and he was super fussy.  I was so afraid that he would be inconsolable on stage and would be a distraction from the show!  I voiced my concern with his fussiness, but they assured me that it would be endearing if he cried and everyone would know he was a real baby.  So we then agreed and he did sooo good!  I was really nervous the day of the performance because I had to time it just right to nurse him right before he goes on stage since he is happy with a full tummy and that is his normal wake time.  It was a little stressful getting there, nursing him, changing him etc, and then having to wait around longer than expected for him to go on stage.  It was finally his time and he was on stage and he was away from me for about 30 minutes and was on stage during 3 full songs.  I was so surprised by how good he did!  He didn't cry at all and even cooed when "Mary" was singing her solo to him.  Everyone told me he was the sweetest baby!  He also put his hand up in the air right at perfect timing during the last song

I was standing right outside the backstage watching it all on the monitor so I got a close view.  I was snapping pictures like crazy of the monitor and everyone around me was asking me, "is that your baby?"  I guess I was a little obvious first time mom taking a million pictures of a monitor!  He was just so precious and I was so proud of him, even though he had no idea what he just did!

Since everything went so smoothly on Saturday, I wasn't near as worried or nervous on Sunday.  He started to get fussy when the lady took him from me to go on stage so I was thinking he would cry more.  But to my surprise again, he was just perfect!  Justin and I sat in the main sanctuary to see it all, but they didn't have the monitor's on during his scenes so I couldn't see any close ups, but the crew said he did great and didn't cry at all.  What a relief!   Now I have a small glimpse of how parents get so nervous for their own children.  If I was nervous for him over something as minimal of him just being a normal baby, I can't imagine how I'll feel during his sporting and school events.  Oh the joys of parenthood :)


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