Saturday, June 16, 2012

Happy Father's Day Justin

When a woman is pregnant, it seems that she is the one who gets all the attention.  Granted, she is the one carrying the child and going through the joys and pains of pregnancy, but the Father is normally not noticed as much.  This is why I wanted to take a little time to recognize my husband on Father's Day.  It's true that he has not yet experienced the sleepless nights of waking up with a newborn, the pain of disciplining a 3 year old, all the difficult decisions that goes along with being the head of the household with children, or raising a teenager.  He hasn't scratched the surface yet of Fatherhood.  But He is most definitely a Father and he has shown over the past year to me what an incredible Father he is and will be.  For example:

  • When I first found out I was pregnant with our first baby, it was a complete surprise.  Ironically, we had literally just made a huge decision that week of where we thought the Lord was leading us over the next year.  Justin was in particular very excited about this opportunity. When I found out I was pregnant, I knew the next year we had planned out would all change.  And I knew my husband would be heartbroken and I wasn't sure of his reaction.  I told him in a fun way and he had the BEST reaction I could ever imagine.  Not even for a split second was he disappointed or thought about what HE wanted.  I am thankful for a husband who sees children as what God's Word says and that they are a blessing.  I'm thankful for a husband who believes passionately in the sovereignty of God and knows HE is the creator of life and this was a part of his loving and perfect plan for us.  What a great Father!
  • When we found out at 10 weeks that our baby had no heartbeat, he held me and cried with me
  • When we lost our 2nd baby, he pointed me to scripture and always seemed to know what to say to me though he was grieving as well
  • He never once made me feel like I was taking the miscarriages too hard or that I just need to move on
  • He allowed me to vent, cry, and just be sad on hard days when I didn't feel I could do that around anyone else
  • He was never anxious or worried when we were going to see a specialist to figure out what is going on
  • He supported me and was compassionate towards me while I was going through procedures, testings, get pricked and probed too many times to count
  • He was more than ready to start trying again when the Doctor gave us the go ahead
  • He pointed me to scripture and encouraged me when I had days I was terrified I was going to lose another baby
  • He kept track of my shots and gave me one every single night and was so gentle
  • He reminds me daily to take the extra folic acid and vitamins I'm required to take
  • He continually prays for baby Cooper
  • He has been so patient and loving towards me though I have been extra emotional lately
  • He loves, loves, loves his wife as God commands husbands in scripture--there has not been a day that has gone by since we first started dating that I have questioned his love for me.  And that is one of the biggest ways he is a great Father-to show Cooper how much he loves his Mommy
Though I know we have a LOOONG ways to go in regards to parenthood and have no idea what lies ahead, I couldn't ask for a better life partner to share this with.  Happy Father's Day Justin!  I have full confidence that you are going to be an amazing Father and Cooper is incredibly blessed to call you Daddy.  

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